Work on :

Update of the controlling
Sebastian Beck

Design a new button/function for milling threads
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.7---

--- PCNC-1.2.6---

Implemented HistoryDoubleInput
Sebastian Beck

Designed HistoryDoubleInput
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.5---

Bugfix of "VORSCHUB"
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.4---

Bugfix of WerkzeugTool
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.3 ---

Made the procedure of "Start" and Open better
Sebastian Beck

Controlling errors cleared
Sebastian Beck

Errors cleared in the editor for "BESCHLEUNIGUNG"
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.2 ---

MaschinTool rewritten from dialog to application, that KFileDialog will work
Sebastian Beck

MaschinTool extended by acceleration
Sebastian Beck

Acceleration button included
Sebastian Beck

Error cleaned in "SPIEL"
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.1 ---

Code optimisation an cleaning
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.2.0 ---

Enveloped and implemented to all real number inputs a history
Sebastian Beck

Study TrueType script and envelope a function parser.
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.1.0 ---

Extend the left Buttons to mashines without ball spindles or with ball guides
Sebastian Beck

Enable for each mashine an own tool file
Sebastian Beck

Relate tools to one mashine
Sebastian Beck

Unlimit all values until a machine is chosen
Sebastian Beck

Machine dialog extented by machine drives
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.0.2 ---

Implementation of Memo, expanding the Controlling
Sebastian Beck

Implementation of Pause
Sebastian Beck

Konturdialog ...
Sebastian Beck

extended setupdialog
Sebastian Beck

cleared error in LINIE of polar input with 2nd angel and length
Sebastian Beck

--- PCNC-1.0.1 ---

Preparation of the first official version PCNC-1.0.1
Sebastian Beck

Calculation of ellipse made better and deviation made visible
Sebastian Beck

Calculation of circle made better and deviation made visible
Sebastian Beck

implement function F-Ellips
Sebastian Beck

create Widget F-Ellips
Sebastian Beck

implement function F-Kreis
Sebastian Beck

create Widget F-Kreis
Sebastian Beck

implement function F-Linear
Sebastian Beck

create Widget F-Linear
Sebastian Beck

Polar input for Line made
Sebastian Beck

Werkzeugwechsel optimiert
Sebastian Beck

Fehler der Steuerung in geschachtelten Schleifen behoben
ein Update kommt Ihnen zu
Sebastian Beck

Werkzeugwechsel: Fehler beseitigt und erweitert, die Steuerung angeglichen
Sebastian Beck

Fehler beseitigt in: Werkzeugtool/Einmessen, Maschinentool,
Sebastian Beck

Schrittberechnungsrutine für Ellipse entwicklen.
Sebastian Beck

Rechten Knopf Ellipse implementieren.
Sebastian Beck

Knopf für Ellipse erstellen
Sebastian Beck

Rechtes Menü Ellipse konstruieren
Sebastian Beck

Werkzeugwechsel implementieren.
Sebastian Beck

Knopf für Werkzeugwechsel erstellen.
Sebastian Beck

Rechten Knopf "Warte" durch Werkzeugwechsel-Menü ersetzen.
Sebastian Beck

Schriftgröße in den Fenstern aus den KDE-Einstellungen übernehmen
Sebastian Beck

Rechten Knopf "Spiel" erstellen und implementieren
Sebastian Beck

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